夏季學院線上選課系統自 5/8(三)10:00開放今年度帳號申請及選課。
第一階段:5/08(三)上午 10 時至 5/14(二)下午23時59分止、
第二階段:5/22(三)上午 10 時至 5/28(二)下午23時59分止、
第三階段:6/12(三)上午 10時至 6/18(二)下午23時59分止,一律透過前述之夏季學院線上系統報名選課。
Ø 如欲選修之同學,請詳閱報名須知,本校學生報名無須提出校際選課單申請,可直接於線上系統報名。
Ø 若有特定通識領域之選課需求,請同學務必自行先於各校認抵資訊查詢確認本校認抵之領域是否符合所需。
Ø 依本校規定,暑修課如有衝堂者,以本校課程優先,衝堂之校外課程不予登錄,選課前請務必妥善規劃,避免衝堂。
Ø 如有報名選課系統或繳費問題,請逕洽夏季學院詢問。
Ø 課程修畢後,若老師已將成績確認送出,本校將批次下載登錄課程成績,同學不需另行通知學校登錄。
Ø 請注意:夏季學院通識課程係屬學士班學分,碩博士生修讀不能計入畢業學分。
Dear Student,
Quality courses of the 2024 Summer College are here again! Prestigious instructors across Taiwan join forces to run 55 courses in the Summer College, offering students opportunities for learning, inter-college exchange and getting credits in summer. Do you have any idea for your summer learning plan already? Hurry and join students from different universities in the Summer College!
Online enrollment system is open for account registration and course enrollment starting from Wednesday, May 8th.(Stage Enrollment)
First Stage Enrollment: From 10:00 on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 to 23:59 on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024.
Second Stage Enrollment: From 10:00 on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 to 23:59 on Tuesday, May 28th, 2024.
Third Stage Enrollment: From 10:00 on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 to 23:59 on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any further queries.
Online Enrollment System of the Summer College: http://www.n2.org.tw/enter/login
Course Information of the Summer College: http://www.n2.org.tw/enter/lesson
Information on Credit Acquisition and Verification: (Choose NTNU)
Contact Email: n2summerntu@gmail.com
Kind regards,
Summer College Working Team
Special Notice to NTNU students:
Ø Please read the registration notice before you enroll for the courses. NTNU students DO NOT need to hand in Inter-University General Courses application, please register at the Summer College website directly.
Ø If you need courses from certain category, please check the Credit Acquisition and Verification list( http://www..n2.org.tw/enter/reconized_list/start
Choose NTNU) before you enroll for the courses. Each course is recognized with certain category.
Ø If there is time clash of the NTNU summer course with the Summer College course, NTNU summer course will be given higher priority. Thus, the Summer College course in time clash will not be giver credits. Please check the class time before you enroll for the courses.
Ø For the course registration system issue and payment issue, please contact Summer College(n2summerntu@gmail.com) directly.
Ø The grades will be submitted by the lecture teacher after the class ends. NTNU will check the grades and register the grades to the NTNU system.
Ø Notice : Summer College general education course is bachelor level course. Graduate students who take this course will be not given credits.