General Education at NTNU

The General Education requirements are an integral part of your undergraduate education at NTNU. Their purpose is to introduce our students to the intellectual life of the university, to foreground important questions and illustrate how they may be approached from multiple perspectives. General Education provides a foundation that helps students succeed academically and professionally.

General Education Requirements

  1. Students enrolled in or after academic year of 2020 must complete 18 credits of General Education courses. The General Education curriculum covers 3 categories, namely Liberal Arts Course, Cross-domain Exploration and Self-Directed Learning.
  2. The courses approved by the Center for General Education can be counted as the General Education required credits.
  3. If students take more than the aforementioned required 18 credits of General Education courses, the excess credits will be counted as elective course credits.
  4. The specific requirements from the student’s own department shall always take precedence over the General Education Requirements.
Curriculum Domain/Courses Academic Credits
Basic Ability Course Curriculum Chinese Reading and Thinking
Chinese Writing and Expression
Four (4) Credits
English (I) (Ⅱ) (Ⅲ) Compulsory/
Six (6) Credits
Physical Education Compulsory/
Four (4) credits 
(To be included in total credits for graduation)
General Education Curriculum (total 18 credits)

Liberal Arts Humanities and Arts Two (2) credits minimum
Social Sciences Two (2) credits minimum
Natural Sciences Two (2) credits minimum
Logic and Computing Two (2) credits minimum
Cross-Domain Exploration College Common Courses Four (4) credits minimum
Cross-Domain Professional Discovery Courses
Introduction to University Studies
Self-Directed Learning Guided Study, Inquiry Study Electives/Four (4) credits maximum
(Limited to this University’s MOOCs, Coursera, Udacity, and edX)