日期:2024 年 12 月 18 日(三)
時間:11:00 - 13:10
邀請您參觀由「聯合國永續發展目標(Introduction to Sustainable Development) 通識課程的期末專案特展——「Trash to Treasure 變廢為寶」特展。學生團隊以至少五種可回收或廢棄材料,創造出兼具創意與功能性的藝術品或實用物件,融合創新設計與環保精神,展現可持續發展理念。
Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:10 PM
Location: Corridor between Cheng and Qin Buildings, Heping Campus
Organized by: Prof. Hoda from GISMEE and students from the "Introduction of Sustainable Development" course
Co-organized by: Center for General Education, Center for Sustainable Development
We invite you to visit the "Trash to Treasure" exhibition, a special showcase for the final project of the "Introduction of Sustainable Development" course. In this exhibition, student teams will transform at least five types of recyclable or discarded materials into creative and functional artworks or practical objects, combining innovative design with an eco-friendly spirit to highlight the principles of sustainable development.
The exhibition will also feature a voting activity where you can select your favorite pieces. By filling out a survey, you'll receive a lovely gift and have a chance to enter a lucky draw for a sustainable prize! Come join us to celebrate creativity and sustainability!